New Home News in Richmond

Richmond Recognized for High-Quality Scenic Standards

Written by Lakes of Bella Terra | Jul 18, 2019 1:00:00 PM

We love our charming town of Richmond, Texas. Over 180 years of history can be seen while strolling through Richmond's streets. Visitors will find unique shops, restaurants, and businesses that have helped to create a unique one-stop location for the Houston region.

It comes to no surprise that our city was recently recognized for high-quality scenic standards through a project of Scenic Texas. The City of Richmond ‘ranked up’ to Platinum level certification, the highest level achieved through the Scenic City Certification Program.

The Scenic City program supports and recognizes cities for commitment to high-quality scenic standards for public roadways and public spaces. Cities apply to the program for a rigorous evaluation and scoring of existing municipal standards against the model, and those with the highest evaluation scores earn certification. These standards evaluate streetscapes- the protection of trees and landscape as well as sidewalks; ordinances, design standards and new development; utilities and cable line programs; historic district preservation programs and beautification programs such as Keep Richmond Beautiful, among other things.

The City of Richmond was first awarded Bronze certification in 2016 at which time Commissioner Barry Beard said “And we won’t settle for Bronze status but will keep moving up until we get Platinum level!” Three years later, Richmond Texas has done just that and attained the highest level of the five levels of certification in 2019.

The Scenic City Certification Program awards annually and, if certified, allows cities access to a valuable diagnostic tool as well. It affords them a complete, detailed analysis of existing infrastructure standards which assists cities with a roadmap for their ongoing growth.  This year saw 21 municipalities in Texas awarded this certification, of which 12 cities including Richmond, have upgraded their certification.

Scenic Texas will award all 21 municipalities at their annual awards reception on October 10th in San Antonio, Texas.  The City of Richmond is proud to be recognized at Platinum certification level for their standing with 81 other certified cities across Texas existing as communities working to make a more scenic Texas for citizens and visitors.

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